Fall 2017 Issue
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Call for Nominations: SPUC Board of Directors
The SPUC Nominating Committee is seeking nominees to fill two (2) At-Large Director positions on the Board of Directors. All SPUC members may submit the name of a full member in good standing, or you may submit your own name.
All nominations, accompanied by a photo and a CV or bio, should be sent to Carolyn Moffatt at: carolyn@urgentcarepeds.org by December 1, 2017. Nominees will be contacted to confirm their willingness and availability to serve.
Board of Director Responsibilities
- The Board of Directors shall have full responsibility for the management, direction and control of the business, policies and affairs of the Society for Pediatric Urgent Care.
- Members of the Board of Directors are required to observe and promote the highest standards of ethical conduct in the performance of their responsibilities to SPUC.
- Members of the Board of Directors will serve a 3 year term. The two open positions will be filled immediately with a term that ends in the fall of 2020.
- Members of the Board of Directors shall participate in four (4) Board meetings each calendar year. These meetings consist of three (3) teleconference meetings and one (1) face-to-face meeting during the Annual Meeting.
- Members of the Board serve as a Board Liaison on SPUC committees, as assigned by the President, in order to facilitate communication between the Board and the committees. Regular contact between the Chair of the Committee or Activity and Board Representative is required. Board Representatives keep the Board informed of progress on charges and activities, and work with the chairs to ensure that charges are completed in a timely manner.
Members of the Board of Directors should expect to incur financial responsibility for meeting attendance and pay membership dues at the founder level



SPUC Fourth Annual Conference
October 4-7, 2018
Nemours Children’s Hospital
Orlando, FL

Committee Opportunities

Want to make a difference in our developing specialty of Urgent Care Pediatrics?
Join a SPUC Committee or workgroup!